Research and Development of ET

学习元名称 平均得分 创建者 创建时间
Highly integrated model assessment 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
Weblog-based electronic portfolios in Taiwan 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
Enabling meaningful learning 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
The effect of static and animated visualization 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
A systems-based approach to technology integration 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
Factors affecting technology integration 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
Improving course evaluations 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
Citations of ETR&D and related journals, 1990–2004 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
using to design engage teacher mentors 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
assessment in an online learning environment 关联资源已删除 0 yangxiuyu 2011-03-16
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