BJET 2009 issue 6

  • The open schools handbook 普通类

    Overall, this is a very comprehensive guide for managers thinking about implementing a coaching programme into their schools. If you have no prior experience of implementing a coaching programme—even if you have received coaching yourself—I do recommend this practical helpful book.

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    • schools
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  • Evaluation in distance education and e-learning 普通类

    The book takes into account the different experiences of teachers, with a chapter specifically about working with newly qualified teachers. There is also a chapter on coaching for the specialist, whether that is a subject specialist or a technical support person; this shows how every member of staff can benefit from and be included within the programme. And there is a chapter on evaluation (measuring impact)— such an important aspect of any coaching programme.

    • education
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    • learning
    • evaluation
    • zumbo
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    • ruhe
    • bruno
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  • Introduction to research methods in education 普通类

    The book takes into account the different experiences of teachers, with a chapter specifically about working with newly qualified teachers. There is also a chapter on coaching for the specialist, whether that is a subject specialist or a technical support person; this shows how every member of staff can benefit from and be included within the programme. And there is a chapter on evaluation (measuring impact)— such an important aspect of any coaching programme.

    • education
    • methods
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    • research
    • punch
    • keith
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    • introduction
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  • Education for all 普通类

    There is an overall focus on solutions rather than on analysing coaching problems. The coaching models and the skills they foster are highly valid when dealing, for instance, with team decisions about the use of technology in the learning process.You can use the models to involve everyone in the decision, and to help individuals identify their own needs. Also, as well as developing individuals’ performance, you can apply the models in the book to school issues, such as integrating technology into learning. For instance, the book explains how to use coaching as part of the lesson observation process, with helpful checklists and protocols for giving feedback. The whole process is flexible enough to use within teams, and with learners.

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    • education
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  • Causation in educational research 普通类

    There is an overall focus on solutions rather than on analysing coaching problems. The coaching models and the skills they foster are highly valid when dealing, for instance, with team decisions about the use of technology in the learning process.You can use the models to involve everyone in the decision, and to help individuals identify their own needs. Also, as well as developing individuals’ performance, you can apply the models in the book to school issues, such as integrating technology into learning. For instance, the book explains how to use coaching as part of the lesson observation process, with helpful checklists and protocols for giving feedback. The whole process is flexible enough to use within teams, and with learners.

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    • educational
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    • causation
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    • research
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    • morrison
  • collaboration 普通类

    The coaching toolkit—sub-titled “A practical guide for your school”—is perfect for beginners to the coaching process, and is set in the context of the school environment. There are many generic coaching books available, but what is great about this one is that it firmly places coaching into school life and language. The authors are a head teacher and an assistant head teacher who both have extensive experience in coaching in the school context and responsibility for continuing professional development. They put coaching into the school improvement cycle, showing how it can benefit subject action plans, the school’s self evaluation process, and individual performance development. Having coaching contextualised in thisway can really help sell it within your school, linking it so closely with its existing improvement plan.

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    • collaboration
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  • Electronic resource management in libraries 普通类

    The coaching toolkit—sub-titled “A practical guide for your school”—is perfect for beginners to the coaching process, and is set in the context of the school environment. There are many generic coaching books available, but what is great about this one is that it firmly places coaching into school life and language. The authors are a head teacher and an assistant head teacher who both have extensive experience in coaching in the school context and responsibility for continuing professional development. They put coaching into the school improvement cycle, showing how it can benefit subject action plans, the school’s self evaluation process, and individual performance development. Having coaching contextualised in thisway can really help sell it within your school, linking it so closely with its existing improvement plan.

    • resource
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    • libraries
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    • breivold
    • management
    • electronic
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    • page.pdf
    • scott
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    • holly
  • Power in the academy 普通类

    The book is an “outgrowth” of a three-day international research conference held in the Netherlands to discuss multimedia-related issues in the context of young children’s learning. The book chapters offer a refreshingly wide range of perspectives with contributions from scholars from the UK, the US, Canada, Norway, Israel,andthe Netherlands.What is significant, however, is, as the editors note, the remarkable convergence of studies with positive findings. These indicate that, when designed in accordance with sound educational principles and constructed to support young children’s cognitive development, multimedia applications can significantly improve literacy development in young learners, whether they are average emerging readers or readerswith special needs. This is the core message of the book.

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    • power
    • page
    • academy
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