British Journal of Educational Technology

学习元名称 平均得分 创建者 创建时间
The e-primers series – By Mark Nichols 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Learning with online and mobile technologies 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Ground rules for social research 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Motivating students to learn 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
coaching strategies and techniques 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Pedagogical encounters 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Vocational students with severe learning 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
A cost-effective classroom response system 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
A structural equation modelling of factors 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
Facebook as a formal instructional environment 关联资源已删除 0 zhangfeiye 2011-03-24
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