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OBSERVATION AND MODELING of behavior, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others is the basis of social learning.
IN AN ANCHORED LEARNING environment, the activities are designed around a realistic situation -- or anchor -- in which there is a problem to be solved by the group.
Anchored Instruction challenges and motivates learners to find the story's embedded data thru a realistic, narrative, storyline format.
Active learning
IN 1949, DONALD HEBB ARGUED THAT IT WAS UNLIKELY that any chemical process could occur fast enough to accomodate immediate memory yet remain stable enough to accomodate permanent memory.
LEARN SITUATIONALLY WITH SITUATED LEARNING! Situated Learning is "education that takes place in a setting functionally identical to that where the learning will be applied" (Wikipedia, 2004).
DOES GETTING A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP play a crucial role in maximizing the performance and acquisition of learned tasks? Is there a correlation between sleep and remembering?
How do you learn? Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?
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