• 西关培正小学 -潘筱梅-My Favourite Day Is Monday(Let’s Chant

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    广州版英语口语 第四册

    Unit 4 My Favourite Day Is Monday

    第一课时 Let’s ChantLet’s Play教学设计

    西关培正小学 潘筱梅


    Step II Let’s Chant and Play

      1. Present the days of the week. [Teach new words.]

      2. Sing a song Sunday

      3. Teach the Chant of page 37.

      4. Pupils listen to the chant on line and practise it.

    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the middle day.

    Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Every day is a happy day.

    [Emphasize the rhythm of the chant.]

      1. Check some pupils.

      2. Play a game with the cards : Catch today.

    [Practise the words of the days and teach the sentences : What day is it today/tomorrow? Today/Tomorrow is …]




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    • chant
    • 西关
    • teach
    • tomorrow
    • lets
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    • favourite
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