• 荔湾区西关培正小学五年级上册 Unit 4 教学教案

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    Unit 4  What  can they do?

                                        广州市西关培正小学 薛珊


    • 学生分析

         五年级的学生经过三、四年级的英语学习,累积了一定的英语知识,不但具有较强的理解能力、判断能力和接受能力,而且通过平常的课堂操练,能较好地在同学间开展探讨性的互动学习。在课外活动中,学生已掌握Chant:Can You See the Man?,并已掌握介绍自己能力的句子I can…. I can’t…. Can you…? 及掌握较多的动物名称。


    • 教材分析

         本课是Module 2 Abilities里Unit 4 What Can They Do?的第一课时Dialogue。由于本对话篇幅较短,而主要句型I can… I can’t… Can you…?已经在四年级的英语课本里出现并操练过,学生已颇为熟悉。本课学生未接触过的句型只有Everyone has his own gift一句。新单词也并不多而且较容易记忆。包括kangaroo, frog, turtle, far, fly, own, gift.



    三.Teaching objectives: 体现了新课标的教学目标要求。

    Language skill:

    1. To introduce the modal verbs “can” and “can’t”.(talk about the abilities of the animals.)

    2. To introduce the interrogative from ‘Can you…?’

    Main point :


    2. New words: kangaroo, turtle, frog, fly, own, gift and sentence:

    Everyone has his own gift.

    Difficult point:

    1. To use “can” and “can’t” correctly.
    2. To understand the dialogue and read it fluently.

    四.Teaching procedure:

    Warm up:

    a. Game . (dance, swim , sing , run,ride )

    b. Chant. (Look at the monkey.       Its cute and funny.

    Long tail and big eyes.      It can climb the tree.

    It likes bananas ,           it likes me!    )


    The teacher : “ What can the monkey do?”

    The pupils:  “ It can climb the tree.”

    The teacher: “Yes. So today ,we are going to learn Unit 4  What  can they do? Let’s learn what can the other animals do. Children, let’s read the topic of this dialogue together.(tell the aim).

    Pre -task :  布置给学生一个听力任务,通过多媒体信息资源,训练学生听力理解能力。体现任务型教学。

    The teacher tells a story: “The kangaroo , turtle, frog ,and the bird are going to the zoo. The little mouse wants to go with them. He says to the bird: “Take me to the zoo, please.” The bird says: “ I can fly very high . I will fly there.  Can you fly?” Little mouse says: “ No, I can’t.” He says to the kangaroo: “ Take me to the zoo, please.”  The kangaroo says: “I can jump very high and very far. I will jump there. Can you jump?”  Little mouse says: “ No, I can’t.” The frog says : “ I can jump , but not very high .And I can swim very fast. I will swim there. Can you swim?” Little mouse says : “No, I can’t.” The turtle says : “I can’t jump but I can swim. I can take you there .” Little mouse says: “Thank you .!” The boy says: “ I can swim and I can run. Let’s go!” So, there are some new members in the zoo. Let’s think about what they are.

    1. The teacher sticks some photos on the blackboard and asks the pupils :What animals can you guess? 引起学生对整个故事的兴趣及完整感知整个故事,体现新课标中“乐学”的理念。

    Show the pictures : kangaroo , turtle, frog , bird ,(按顺序)

    2、Teach the new words : kangaroo , turtle, frog( bird已学)。

    The teacher gives the pupils some cards (with some sentences). Let the pupils discuss the abilities of the animals and then put the answers in the right order. 培养学生分析能力及合作能力。

    3、Check the answers and then teach the dialogue.

    The kangaroo: I can jump very high and very far.(swim×) (show the sentence on the blackboard and teach the new word :far.

    The frog :  I can jump and I can swim . (show the sentence on the blackboard).

    The turtle :   I can swim.(jump×) (show the sentence on the blackboard)

    The bird: I  can fly very high . (swim ×)(show the sentence on the blackboard and teach the new word : fly.

    The boy: I can swim and I can run. (show the sentence on the blackboard)

    Everyone has his own gift. (teach the new words: own, gift.)

    While –task:

    1. Open the English books.

    1. Listen to the tape or the disk and follow the dialogue.
    2. Read by themselves.
    3. Read in groups .
    4. Act out the dialogue. (with cartoon photos.) (在合作中, 读准课文, 完成好角色表演。)

    2. Practice:

    1.Talk about what you can do and  what  you can’t do.

    2. Talk about what can the animals do .

    Post -task  :


    拓展读与写P24  Everyone Has His Own Gift.( 四人小组讨论的形式应用表格(见附图)对各种动物的能力进行小结并从中理解句子Everyone has his own gift.)




    Sum up

    Four animals .(kangaroo, turtle, frog, bird )     

    ——What can they do?

    ——They/It  can ……but they /it can’t…


    1. Retell the dialogue.                                    

    2. To tell the partners  “I can …. But I can’t …”               














    The kangaroo can deliver letters.

    The giraffe can   paint houses.

    The elephant can  put out fire.

    The monkey can climb trees / pick fruit.

    The hippo  can   swim.



    Unit 4 What Can They Do?

    Kangaroo:      I can’t swim.

    I can jump very high and very far.

    Turtle:         I can’t jump.

    I can swim.

    Frog:          I can jump and I can swim.

    Boy:           I can swim and I can run.

    Bird:           I can’t swim, .

    I can fly very high.



            此课件主要是帮助学生掌握在某种特定情景下使用运用课文对话。通过课件让学生轻松掌握主要句型:I can… I can’t… Can you…?

           本课件是使用Power point进行制作,由于自身的集成性、控制性等特点的影响,使多媒体技术的教学应用过程与传统的教学过程或一般的电化教学过程不同。

           五年级的学生经过三、四年级的英语学习,累积了一定的英语知识,不但具有较强的理解能力、判断能力和接受能力,而且通过平常的课堂操练,能较好地在同学间开展探讨性的互动学习。在课外活动中,学生已掌握Chant:Can You See the Man?并已掌握介绍自己能力的句子I can…. I can’t…. Can you…? 及掌握较多的动物名称。本节课需要通过多媒体课件进行文字、图形、声音等多种感官的综合刺激,激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率。


    荔湾区西关培正小学五年级上册 Unit 4 教学教案.doc

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