北师大版英语五年级下cooking with Mocky (昌平实验二小 )
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小学英语 中高年级(对话课型)
Unit11 Cooking with Mocky-----Talk Together
本课是北师版先锋英语五年级下册Unit 11第二课时对话内容。本单元共六课时。对话内容是对是故事教学的的巩固学习,依然是围绕关于蛋糕的制作过程,对话内容简单,操作性强。学生通过对话的学习,激发了学习英语的兴趣,增强了英语思维能力以及实际运用语言的能力。
通过对话的学习,学生能够描述制作蛋糕的过程,能够改编并续编对话,通过拓展学习,学会相对简单的烹饪方法和调味品词汇和句型,例如vineger,sesame oil,what is the next step?Finally等等,利用..kg of… ,..cup(s) of..,..spoon(s) of…等计量词汇运用到实际交际中。
·多媒体课件 ·单词卡片 ·PPT ·自制学习资源。
Guessing game:
T:let’s play a guessing game about holiday,guess,what holiday is it?
Father’s Day
It’s in June.
It’s on the weekend.
It’s on the third Sunday of June.
设计意图:课前热身,通过猜词游戏导出本课的主要线索:Father’s Day。同时激发学生的学习兴趣,进入英语环境
T: Father’s Day is coming!It’s on Jun.16th.
Yesterday Ken,Ann and Mocky did something for Dad, What did they do(made a cake)?What did they need?What did Mocky do?(read the recipe)show me your hands and let’s make the cake with Mocky and Ken, OK?
*Show them the pictures and the key words and have some students to retell the main text and words.
设计意图:通过对故事的简单复述,重点复习制作蛋糕的主要词汇和制作步骤,为对话的学习进行铺垫,同时为创编对话提供更多词汇,eg:1 kg .of..和综合说提供语言支持。
T: Look, they made a very big cake, because Mocky changed the recipe.
Today Kate and Peter also want to make something for Dad, do you know what they want to make? (cake)Yes, they have the right recipe and they also want to make a cake!Now let’s listen to the dialogue ,ok?
*(1)Listen to the dialogue together .
T:Do they finish the cake?(No),we just know the first step,what is it? put 2 cups of flour into the bowl, what are the following steps,do you know?Here are the rest steps,but they are not in order, plaese open your book, discuss with your partner what they will do then and finish the dialouge,ok?
*(2)Students dicuss the rest steps with their partners and finish the dialogue.
T:Now you have your own opinions,what is the second step?
*Put the rest cards of making a cake on the blackboard.
T:Look at the blackboard,that is a recipe to make a cake. we need flour,sugar,eggs , milk, and maybe butter or something else. The first step, put 2 cups of flour into the bowl.The second step……
*(3)Retell the steps together according to the key words on the blackboard.
T: Mocky and Ken made a big cake,Kate and Peter made a common cake,can you tell me what kinds of cake do you know?Today I want to make a mini honey cake for my Dad,who can help me?(…kg of…/…cup of….)
T: Now you can choose your Dad’s favorite cake,and make it with your partner,imagine there is a big bowl on your desk, your partner will read the recipe for you, of course you can change the recipe and try to imagine how is your cake, ok?
T: If you send the cake to your Dad, he must be very moved, no matter the cake is good or bad, right? Now we can make a cake, what other food can you make?I can make noodles ,how about you?do you want to learn making other things for your Dad?
*listen to some relative materials and learn more words and sentences.
T: Now I think everyone wants to make something for your Dad.
What do you want to make? Let’s work with your partner.What do you need?How to make it?
*Show them more words on the ppt.
*Pairwork and Show the recipes.
T:We leart making food for Dad this class,what other things you can do for him?
- 标签:
- 学习
- 学生
- cake
- dad
- 20140107093551
- recipe
- 学习元
- 蛋糕
- 词汇
- 制作
- 能够
- 对话
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