• 大磡小学卢清艳《Good manners》第2课时 教学设计

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    8册第2Good manners 教学设计




    1. 复习所学的动词词组。

    2. 能正确使用You should/shouldn’t…来规劝他人、提出建议。

    3. 了解不同的公共场合规则。

    4. 培养学生养成文明礼仪,遵守公共规范的习惯。

    教学重难点: 正确使用祈使句You should/shouldn’t…



    1. Talking

    1. Sing a song.

    2. Free talk: Talk about your good friend

    3. Make new friends.

    T: Do you want to make friends with them ? Who do you like ? Why ?

    Who don’t you like ? Why ?

    Sx: I like … He/She is … I don’t like … He/She is …

    II. Teaching

    1. Look and say : give a advice to someone

    T: Is Lucy good ? What should she do ? What do you want to say to her e?

    Sx: You should… / You shouldn’t …

    2.Talk about some other children of the picture with the sentence pattern ‘You should… /You shouldn’t …’ (Sx )

    3. Read the book and repeat.

    4. Pair work: talk about the pictures of part B1 with your partner.


    1. Ask and answer in pairs. Then invite some students to present their dialogues.

    A: Look at ... What’s she/he doing?

    B: She/ he is …

    A: Is she/ he good? What should she/ he do?

    B: She/He shouldn’t… She/He should…

    III . Training

    1. Listen and read Reading 1-2, Dialogue 9

    2. Pair work : talk about the rules in different places.

    A: Look at picture…. Who’s the girl/boy?

    B: She /He is…

    A: Where is she/ he?

    B: She /He is in the…

    A: What’s she/he doing?

    B: She/ he is …

    A: Is she/ he good? What should she/ he do?

    B: She/He shouldn’t…She/He should…

    1. Write the rules : choose one place and write the rules. Share it with your partner.

    Example: Rules in a swimming pool

    You should wear swimming suit.

    You shouldn’t throw rubbish in the pool.

    You should throw rubbish in the bin.

    You shouldn’t run around the swimming pool. It’s dangerous.


    Unit 2 Good manners (B1)

    should shouldn’t

    be polite be rude

    throw rubbish in the bin throw rubbish on the floor

    … …

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    • pool.
    • good
    • look
    • 第8册
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    • swimming
    • throw
    • doc
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    • rubbish
    • manners
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