• 牛津深圳版Book4 Unit4 Things I like doing

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    牛津深圳版Book3 Unit 5 That’s my family

    牛津深圳版Book4 Unit 4 Things I like doing

    西丽二小 蔡静纯、

    教材分析:本课是牛津深圳版英语教材Book4 Unit4 Things I like doing第二课时。主要学习Do you like (doing)..? Yes./No. I like (doing)..的句型。一年级和二年级上册的时候已经学习了What do you like ?的句型 和readdancedrawskip 等单词,为这次的句型Do you like doing)打下了很好的基础。本节课运用概念图的设计理念,更系统地引导学生开口去说英语。



    1 语言知识目标:掌握Do you like ..?的句型。

    2 语言技能目标:能根据概念图,运用Do you likedoing..?的句型询问别人喜欢做的事情。

    3 能力目标:



    4 情感目标:启发学生要运用所学的知识去和同学多沟通,增进对彼此的了解。

    教学重难点:句型Do you likedoing)…?Yes./No. I like doing)…


    1. 教学课件PPT\

    2. KoKo学习光盘

    3. 跨越式平台扩展听读资源

    4. Mindmanager软件。




    Step 1 . Greeting and Warming up

    1 Greeting:

    T: Hello. Boys and girls. How are you today? What’s the weather like today? What day is today ?


    2 Enjoy a song together :Text book page 19.

    设计理念: 以歌曲引入,激发学生的兴趣。

    Step 2 Review the words and dialogues.

    1Look at the pictures and review the words together.

    T: We have learnt many activities,do you still remember, now let’s review them together.

    2 Show the pictures then play a guessing game “Ido you say.”and ask some students to be little teacher to do some action ,then the other students guess.

    3 Read the chant and then ask the students to make some new chants by themselves.

    4 Ask a student to make a dialogue with me as an example then ask the students to make a dialogue with their partner to review the sentences and words learned in period 1.

    T: Boys and girls, we have learned so many activities, so what do you like doing? Do you like..?

    Step 3Learn Let’s act.

    1Watch the video.

    T: Miss Wang and her students are acting some animals , what animals do they act and what do they like doing? Now Let’s watch the video.

    2 After watching the video , ask the students” What animals do they act and what do they like doing?”

    3 Read after the video.

    4 Role play and ask some of them to act out.

    Step4 : Further listening and reading.

    Let’s learn Dialogue 1-7 together.

    Step5: Comprehensive speaking

    Make a dialogue with a student as an example then ask the students to make a new dialogue by themselves.

    T: After further reading and listening, we know more words and phrases, can you make a new dialogue with your partner. Let’s have a try. Who can make a new dialogue with me ?


    Step 6: Homework

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    • 标签:
    • 牛津
    • words
    • students
    • 句型
    • 深圳
    • 能力
    • book4
    • 学生
    • unit4
    • review
    • dialogue
    • 目标
    • things
    • ask
    • step
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