• 实验小学—英语—吕海琴

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    Unit 5 My Clothes(A)Let’s  learn


      实验小学   吕海琴



    1.掌握有关服装的单词,能听说读写 clothes hat pants skirt dress 和句型 I like that/ those...

    2.能够运用句型 I like that/ those...表达自己对服装的喜好;

    3.能够区分 that 后跟单数名词和 those 后跟复数名词;

    4.复习有关颜色的单词:red green blue purple等。

    5能否理解Let’s do的内容,并能边做边说。






    掌握有关服装的单词 clothes hat pants dress skirt和表达喜好的句型 I like ...


    能够区分that后跟单数名词和those 后跟复数名词。


    演示文稿  单词卡片 简笔画



    1.make a simple greet

    “Class begins.Good  afternoon,class.. How are you  today?”very  well,thanks.

    What’s  the  weather  like   today?It’s  hot   and  sunny.



    1 review

         First, Let’s  sing   a song. “Color Song.”

      From the song, what color do we know?


    2free  talk  (支架)


     A:How  are  you ?    

     B:Fine,thank  you .
     A:What’s  the  weather like  today?
     B:It’s  hot  and  sunny.
     A:Let’s go  to  the Fruit and vegetable shop .
     A:Wow,I   see  a  lot  of  friut:    red  apples…
     B:Yes,I  like  them.and  I   see   vegetables:
      a  lot  of   green  beans…..


    3“Everyone, can you guess what color I like?” S:“Red, green... “Yes. I like that  colour   (red)

      板书 I like that  …

         “Boys and  girls, what color do you like?

    “I like red.”

       “I like that color (red).”



       Class, this is  the  shopping center.Do you like to go shopping? And I want to buy some new clothes for myself.because  today  is  my  birthday,So will you go with me to buy clothes?  OK 出示课件图片(生日,商场)

       1. 出示图片skirt 短裙

    Everyone, what color is it? S1: It’s green..

     “Yes. That  is  a  green    skirt.

       教读skirt, 并操练

      “I like green. Can you guess which skirt I like?”

    S2: That green skirt.

    “I like that green skirt.”


       2.“Next, I want to buy a new dress.”出示图片 dress 连衣裙:What color is it? S2: It’s red.

    “Yes. It’s red. And that is  a   red   dress.


      出示不同颜色dress图片,走远问:“Can you guess which dress I like?” S1: that red dress..

      “Yes. I like that red dress.”And I want to know which dress you like.

      “Girl, which dress do you like? ”

    S2: I like that blue dress..

    S3:I like that pink dress.

       “Ask girls,Which dress do you like?”




    3. 出示hat 帽子:

    “Now, I need to buy a hat. What color is it?” S1: It’s blue.


       “Yes. I t’s blue.And this is a blue hat.”

    出示单词卡片,教读hat 帽子并操练:拇指大小声(大拇指朝上大声,朝下小声);分组叠加读。

    出示不同颜色的帽子,让同学们读出这些不同颜色的帽子:red hat, green hat, blue hat, pink hat, white hat.

    走远说,“I like that blue hat. Which hat do you like? Ask your friend the same question.”

    S1: I like that blue hat. Which hat do you like?

    S2: I like that white hat.


    4. 出示裤子pants 和 those.

    “My dear class, now I have a green skirt, a red dress and a blue hat.And I like those new clothes.把句子I like those...板书。

     Next, I need to buy new pants.”

    出示图片,“What color is it?” S1: It’s black.

    “Yes,it’s black. They are black  pants.”

       出示单词卡片,教读裤子pants 并操练.  出示不同颜色裤子的图片,并让学生读出不同颜色的裤子:white pants, black pants ,purple pants....


       “Which pants do you like? I like those blue pants.” Me too. Ask your classmate the same question.”

    I like those blue pants.”

    S1:which pants do you like?

    S2: I like those blue pants.

        OK,class. Thank you for going shopping with me.Now,

    Look   at   here,what’s  missing?”If   you   know ,please   stand  up  and   say  loudly.

    5,Now   Sarah  and  Amy   are  also   at   the  shopping  center,let’s  look  at  what   are  they  talking  about?(let’s 

    Learn  动画)


    6 “what   do   you  like  ?”替换练习(支架),用let’s learn部分的词汇做句子的替换练习。



    1拓展材料一:song<this  old  hat>补充3个词汇

    2拓展材料二:A  girl  named  shelly  ,love s  to  go shopping.Yesterday  Shelly  went  shopping  to  buy

    Something.let’s  see  what  did    shelly  buy?(问题)

    3拓展三:Now  zoom’s   school   will   have   a   party,zoom

    And  zip   are   making  the  clothes,let’s  watch   the  cartoon:

    问题(1)which   one   is   Zip ?

    (2)whose T_shirt   is   that?


    After   the   Children’s   Day,we   will    have   a    fashion   show   in   our   class,come    and   join   us   to 

    Prepare   it  .who    wants   to   go   shopping   with   me ?




    • A:Let’s  go   shopping!   
    • B:OK!
    • A:Wow,a  lot   of   clothes!
    • B:Which   do   you  like?
    • A:I   like   that   red   dress.(skirt,hat,dress,shirt,jeans)
    • B:Me   too.And  I  like  those  blue  pants(shoes,shorts)













    Unit 5 My Clothes  A let’s learn


                            green skirt.

             I like that    red dress.                  clothes

                            blue  hat.

     Me too. I like those   black pants.

    • 标签:
    • dress
    • green
    • color
    • pants
    • 实验
    • 出示
    • lets
    • 英语
    • clothes
    • red
    • blue
    • hat
    • 小学
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