• 人教版三年级上册Unit Six Happy birthday第二课时教案

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    Lesson Planning from Chloe Lai

    Date: December 14, 2015

    Grade: Three

    Content: Unit 6 Happy birthday



    Teacher action & materials used

    Student action/interaction

    Stage aims


    Leading in

    Teacher introduces a new friend Sam who is Sarah’s brother to students. And tell them today is Sam’s birthday. He has a party. He receives lots of gifts from friends.

    Students respond to teacher’s question. What’s the name of the boy? Who’s Sam? Today is Sam’s __________.

    Setting context


    Language input

    Teacher elicits the vocabularies from six to ten using the story “balloons”. Then uses TPR and the chant from P62 to input new words.

    Students say the chant with actions

    Presenting the key words


    Speaking activity

    Flash cards

    There are two games in this stage. Teacher demonstrates activity and checks then monitors students

    1. Play “Who is the leader” games in groups

    2. Play Tic-tac-toe in A B groups

    Practicing words


    Language input and task language preparation

    Teacher shows a scene of the birthday party. To elicit and drills key sentence patterns “How old are you?” “I’m ____ years old.”

    Then teacher introduces some new friends of Sam and asks students to answer how old are they.

    Students respond to teacher’s question. (1) What does John buy for Sam? (2) How old is Sam?

    Then make the dialogue in pairs

    Presenting the key sentence


    Reading and Speaking Activity

    Teacher distributes different colour of worksheet to students which are divided into A and B.

    Mutual dictation

    Firstly students finish a part of the table after reading the passage. Then they must find out the other answers by asking their partners.

    Consolidate the task language


    Round up

    Teacher checks the answer of the worksheet in order to see whether students can understand the meaning.

    Students correct the answer of the worksheet


    Follow up activity

    Teacher demonstrates a self-introduction to pupils.

    Complete the self-introduction.

    (Maybe homework for them)

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    • 标签:
    • input
    • teacher
    • task
    • activity
    • answer
    • lesson
    • students
    • language
    • worksheet
    • sam
    • key
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