• 优课教学设计之一-教师课堂设计(佛山三中初中部谢雪梅)

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    外研版英语九年级上册Module 7 Unit 3 教学设计

    Module 7 Great books

    Unit 3


    1. 语言技能目标

    • 掌握一般现在时被动语态的构成及使用。

    • 会运用本模块学过的词汇、短语来介绍或评价自己喜爱的文学作品。

    2. 情感态度目标



    Step 1 Revision(group work)

    Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2 ,then check in groups.

    Step 2 Feedback. Can you fill in the blanks with the words/phrases in this module?

    Mo Yan , the winner of 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature, is thought to be one of the greatest writers in China. He lived in the countryside for a time and began writing in the 1970s. Red Sorghum(红高粱),one of his novels is set in the countryside of Shandong Province.It tells how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.It is written in everyday Chinese and it makes sence of the life in the countryside (农村生活).Many Chinese people are influenced by his works.

    Step 3 Language practice in group of four. (Discuss the student sheets given before class.)


    A. Many people still read their works today.

    Their works are still read by many people today.

    B. Confucious’s ideas still influence us.

    We’re still influenced by Confucious’s ideas.

    C. People all over the world still read and love it.

    It is still read and loved by people all over the world.

    Step 4 Ask and answer.

    1. Share the opinions about the exercises on the student sheets.

    2. Teachers answer the questions

    Step 5 Show time. (Expansion)

    1. Summarize the word ,phrases, sentences that may be used about the Great Books.

    2.Students draw a mindmap of writing a review about my favourite book in groups.

    Step 6 Promotion



    写作要点:1. 介绍你最喜欢的书的书名、作者。

    2. 谈谈书的内容和你喜欢这本书的原因。

    3. 你对这本书的评价。

    Recently I have read a book.________________________________________


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