• 肥西丽景-刘安川-英语-Unit 3 Where did you go?

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    Unit 3 Where did you go?

    (B.Let’s try Let’s talk)






    • 一、教材内容分析

    本节课选自由人民教育出版社教育部审定的义务教育教科书六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go? B. Let’s talk. 本单元学习的主题是谈论和描述人物在过去做的事情。在主情景图中,张鹏给John打电话,了解John没有上学的原因,并去John家探望,分享John在刚过去的五一假期旅游的照片,通过这些情景来呈现本单元的核心词汇和句型。而Let’s talk部分学习的核心句型是:Where did you go …? How did you go there? What did you do? 教材通过吴一凡和Amy在学校遇见Sarah,三人谈论Amy的寒假活动的情景,帮助学生感知上述句型的语用情景。

    • 二、学生情况分析

    六年级的学生从三年级就开始真正意义上学习英语,在本单元学习对别人假期活动进行口语交际之前,学生在六年级上册也学习过相关的话题,所不同的是上学期是对将要进行的活动进行提问Where are you going? What are you going to do? How are you going? Who are you going with? ... 也就是一般将来时运用;而本单元即是针对过去的活动进行提问Where did you go? What did you do? How did you go? Who did you go with? ... 也就是一般运去的运用。把新知识套用到旧公式当中,对学生来说应该是更易于掌握的。而且旅游和活动,永远都是学生最感兴趣的话题,因此学生肯定会乐于接受新知识的。


    • 三、教学重难点



    能听、说、读、写句子:Where did you go …? How did you go there? What did you do? Did you …? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t. Sounds great! 并在实际情景中运用。






    • 四、教学过程


    • Step1:Warm-upandgreetings

    (1) Let’s sing: Tell me about your holiday.

    (2) Free talk

    T: Hello, everyone! The winter holiday is over. Would you like to tell me about your holiday? Was it great?

    Ss: Yes! It was good/great/ fun/ nice …

    T: Where did you go over the winter holiday? xx? (提问3到5个同学)

    S1: I went to Shen Zhen.

    S2: I went to Hu Nan.

    S3: I went to Hainan.

    T: Oh, it’s far from here. How did you go there?

    S: I went there by…

    T: What did you do there?

    S: I swam in the sea.

    T: Did you play on the beach? (呈现海滩的图片,引出beach一词) How was it?

    S: Yes. It was …

    T: Sounds great! (呈现sounds great)

    T: Hey, guys! I wanna tell you a good news. I think you must be interested in. There is an activity in Sina.com. They need the reporters. But you need to speak English well. Don’t worried. Today, we’ll have a training before it. Now, here we go!




    如果已经学习过短语(单词)的原型和过去式之间的转换,就要进行简单的复习,并且适当板书。之后再设置情境进行句型的学习。这样为step 2的学习就能衔接起来。


    • Step2:Presentation

    (1) Let’s try

    A. Present the scene: Wu Yifan and Amy are at school. They meet Sarah. What are they talking about? Can you guess?

    B. To predict the answers.

    C. First listening: Listen and choose.

    What are they talking about?

    A. School.                  B. Holiday.

    Who did Sarah buy gifts for?

    A. Amy and John.            B. Wu Yifan and Amy.

    Second listening: Listen and answer.

    Where did Sarah go on winter holiday? Who did she go with?

    D. Check the answers. 可以让学生一问一答第二遍听力后的问句,初步感知动词的过去式。



    (2) Let’s talk

    A. Lead-in.

    T: Now, we know Sarah’s holiday. What about Amy’s holiday? What do you want to know? Please write down the questions you want to know.

    a) Let students write down the questions on the paper. (1分钟)

    b) Write down the questions on the blackboard. (把学生提出的问题以思维导图的形式写在黑板上)



    B. First listening: Listen and think.

    T: Wow, we have many questions. Now, let’s take these questions to listen the recording. And please mark down the main information: Where, When, What, Who, How.



    T: Can you catch the answers?

    Ss: Yes! (可能会有部分学生会举手发表意见)

    T: All right! Who can tell me: Where did Sarah go? When did she go? What did she do there? Who did she go with? How did she go? (让学生在对话当中找出黑板问题的答案,检测之前的回答并板书)

    Check the answers:



    C. Second listening: Listen and order.

    T: Children, this is the dialogue. But they order wrong. Can you rearrange them? (教师给2分钟时间让学生们思考并做题)

    (      ) My family and I went to Sanya.

    (      ) Yes, it was so warm.

    (      ) Hainan is far from here. How did you go there?

    (      ) Where did you go over the winter holiday?

    (      ) How was the beach? What did you do there?

    (      ) It was beautiful. .I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming.

    (      ) Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometimes?

    (      ) We went there by plane.

    (      ) Really? Did you like it?

    (      ) Sure.

    T: This time, let’s listen and see the answers. (学生边听边检测自己的排列是否正确) 答案若以正确形式展示,可不可以将关键句型以不同字体或颜色展示出来,让学生可以重点观察新句型?



    D. Distinguish between “sometime” and “sometimes”.

    T: Children! Can you help to find out the word of “sometime”? Oh! Here it is. But, wait! Are they the same?

    Ss: No, that is “sometimes”. There is “s”.

    T: Yes. That’s “sometimes”. And this is “sometime”. They are different.

    For example:

    T: Can you choose one and make a sentence?



    A. Watch, listen and write

    T: Sound good! You did a very good job! So, let’s watch the whole story. Please listen again and watch. (播放视频)

    T: Now, open your book P26. Please underline the answers.

    Could you write down the answers on you book? (让学生完成书本上的问题,并进行随堂检查)

    B. Read after the computer.


    T: Now please read after the computer, but pay attention to the tones, stress and liaison.



    \\感觉Step 2设置只是让学生理解课本对话的内容,并没有针对三个重要句型进行重点练习和学习。

    • Step3:Practice

    (1) Role play


    A. Make a model.

    T: Let’s role play. I will be Sarah and who wants to be Amy and Wu Yifan?

    B. Group work.

    T: Good job! This time, please practice with your group members, in your group, one will be Sarah, one will be Amy and one will be Wu Yifan. You have 2 minutes.

    C. Act out the dialogue.




    (1) Discuss the pictures.

    教师呈现本板块的插图,然后让学生两两进行讨论Amy 的三亚之行。

    T: These are the pictures of Amy’s trip for Sanya. Let’s discuss with your partner, you can ask “What did Amy do on the 1st/2nd /… day? How did she feel? What was the weather like there? What did she eat there? Did she…?”, the other one please answer.

    T: Ok! Now, who has the questions? Or who would like to say anything one of the pictures?

    S: Me. (学生举手回答)

    T: Wonderful! / Sounds great! / Good idea! … (用不同的评价方式,让学生体现自己与别人的不同)




    • Step4:Consolidations

    (1) Production: Amy’s Holiday Trip

    T: Here has some sentences of Amy’s Holiday Trip. But do you know how to ask?




    (2)Do a survey.

    A. Talk about your winter holiday.

    T: Last winter holiday, Amy and Sarah had fun. What about your winter holiday? Let’s talk about it with your partner.


    B. Make a report: … went to … in … He/She …


    T: Let’s choose. Who is the best reporter? Wow! You can speak a fluent English, so you will become a little reporter in Sina.com. Congratulations!





    • Step5.Homework

    (1) Read after the tape, act out the dialogue on page 4. (必选)

    (2) Try to make a new dialogue (According the report), and write it down. (必选)

    (3) Share the dialogue with parents. (可选)





                  Unit 3 Where did you go ?

                      A:How did you go there ?

                      B: We went there by plane.

                      A: Sounds great!








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