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    Unit Five Do you like pears.docx

    Unit Five Do you like pears.docx

    Unit Five Do you like pears?

    课题:Do you like pears?







    本课是人教版英语三年级下册unit5 Do you like pears? Part A Let’s learn部分。本课为第一课时,因为学生在二年级学习了较多的水果单词,对于Do you like+水果?句型也初步接触。为此本课除了再次巩固词汇记忆和句型的运用外,还使用find someone who交际性活动形式,对句型进行拓展。与此同时,通过本课提供的工作纸,学生能够练习词汇和句型的书写。








    1. 能够四会重点词汇banana, pear, apple, orange

    2. 能够掌握重点句型 -Do you like…? –Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

    3. 能够明白Do you like_____? 后需要添加名词的复数形式(不可数名词除外)


    能够通过询问同伴-Do you like…?,根据同伴回答的 –Yes, I do./ No, I don’t完成fine someone who交际性活动





    Step1 Leading in

    1. A story about Sarah’s birthday

    Sarah is going to have a birthday party. She invites some of her friends to come to the party. The party theme is very special is the fruit party. Everyone comes to the house needs to take some fruit. Look! Sarah and her mother are buying some fruit.

    1. Watch the video then try to answer the question

    ①What fruit they are going to buy?

    ②What does Sarah like?

    (设计意图:因为本课part A let’s learnSarahmom去购买水果的对话,为了能够增强学生对对话的理解,我对故事内容进行创编,丰富了前因,也在后面巩固环节对故事进行拓展)

    Step2 Presentation

    1. Ss try to answer the questions from above, then T leads in the key words of this lesson, “pear, apple, orange, banana”

    2. Watch the video for the second time then try to read follow the recording

    3. T explains some difficult words of the lesson. buy, fruit

    And leads in the key sentence –Do you like…? –Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


    Step3 Practice

    1. Guessing game

    Ss finish the dialogues which are “–Do you like…? –Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”

    Then guess what will John take to Sarah’s party

    1. Practice the dialogue with partner

    Ss makes the dialogue with partner according to the given information

    (设计意图:通过猜测John拿了什么水果参加水果派对,学生可以全体一起练习句型,知道如何回答Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.在第二个练习环节中老师将提供本学期已经学过的词汇,让学生知道除了提问Do you like+水果外,还可以提问别的东西,学生根据自己的选择来提问,提高问题的开放性)

    Step4 Consolidation

    1. Play Find Some One Who game


    1. 再次提问学生Do you like apples?

    One apple a day, keeps the doctor away.



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