• unit 4 we love animals 教学设计

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    • unit 4 We love animals 教学设计


    Unit Four we love animals

    Part B  Let’s talk & play 教学设计

            刘棣贞  涿鹿县卧佛寺小学


    • 教材分析

    本节课是PEP英语三年级上册教材中的第4单元We love animals的第四课时。这一单元主要是围绕动物展开,使学生能够识读一些动物并可以运用句型询问、回答动物名称。本节课作为本单元的第四课时,主要教学内容是对动物名称的询问与回答。


    • 知识与技能:                                                                                           
      1. 学生能够听懂、会说句型:What’s that? It’s a …. Cool! I like it.
      2. 能够在图片、实物的帮助下区别运用What’s this/that?询问动物名称。
      3. 能够在情境中运用句型:Cool! I like it. 表达赞美或欣赏。                   
    • 过程与方法:

    1. 通过师生对话、同学交流和自主听读,学生能够体验英语学习、用英语进行交际的过 程与方法。

    2. 通过与同学进行合作学习,能够将所学句型应用到日常对话中。

    • 情感态度与价值观:




    • 教学重难点

    【教学重点】:能听懂、会说并区分使用句子What’s this?/ What’s that?

                 能够运用Cool! I like it.表达赞美、欣赏。

    【教学难点】:正确区分、运用What’s this?/ What’s that?

                 Cool! Like 的应运。

    • 教学资源:

     PPT(授课音频、视频、图片)   图卡  单词条等活动道具


    Step 1: Greetings & Warming up. (5’)

    1. Greetings.

    2. Sing a song..

    T: well, I am very happy to have class with you, How are you? Can you sing a song for me?

    Sing a song first.





    T:great! You sing so well .clap your hands .I like you very much.


    3. Do exercises.

    (1)T:Here are some words, divide them into groups, give them a home. (Give everyone a note.)

       Why do they a group?

       Yes, they are all school things. We all have school things. Let’s see what they are.(show the school things.)

    I have a pen, a yellow pen.

    I have a book, a red book.

    What about you?

    支架1:A: Hello! Nice to meet you.

            B: Hi ! Nice to meet you, too.

            A: I have a pen, a yellow pen.

            B: I have a book, a red book.

    (2)T:Then, tell me why are they a group.

    Yes, they are all animals. Do you like them? Next I will give you a magic show.

    Look at me. This is my hand.

    What’s this? It’s a dog. Dog, dog ,I see a dog.

    What’s this? It’s a cat. Cat, cat ,I see a cat.





    Step 2:Presentation (12’)

    1. T: OK! You are so happy, let’s play another game. This time you guess.

      What’s this? It’s a ____.

                 It’s a ____.



           A: what’s this?

           B: It’s a …

     What’s this?

           C: It’s a …

             What’s this?

           D: It’s a…


    2. Ok! So cool! Guess, what’s that?       It’s a…

       (1) Read and feel.

       (2) Chant and understand.



    设计意图:借助已学句型what’s this?自然导出将学新句型,学生在听读中初步感知what’s that?,在跟读中准确发音,在说唱中理解区分。)




    Step3Practice (6’)

    1. T: you are so clever.  let’s see some animals show.

          What animals can you see?

          What’s that?  It’s a dog.    A funny dog.

          What’s that?  It’s a cat.     Cool! I like it.

         (listen  speak  show)


          A: what’s that?

          B: It’s a yellow cat.

          A: what’s that?

          B: It’s a funny dog.

          A: cool! I like it.





    They act so well, can you act like a cat/ dog/duck / pig/bear?


    Step 4:Extending (10’)

    拓展1.  Watch and do.(做中学,乐中学,缓解疲劳,复习新词。)

    拓展2.Listen and repeat. ( 巩固新句型,拓展表达赞美与欣赏)

    拓展3.  Listen and sing.  ( 激发学习兴趣,扎实所学新知)


    Step 5 :Combination (5’)

    Finally, Let me check what you have learnt.


    1. Good morning! I’m ...   what’s your name?
    2. Good morning! I’m ...

    A: Nice to meet you.

    B: Nice to meet you, too.

    1. What’s this?
    2. It’s a…

    A: what’s that?

    B: It’s a …

    A: Cool! I like it.



    设计意图:将本课所学与已学重点融合一体,让学生在日常的交际中扎实所学,巩固  新知。)



    Step 6: Chant (2’)

    Let’s end up with a chant.







                 Unit4 We love animals

                      What’s this? 

                      What’s that?

                       It’s a …

                      Cool! I like it.


         本节课本着以“言语交际为中心” 进行设计。整个教学环节注重体现教师的主导地位和学生的主体地位。始终从学生的兴趣出发,培养学生交际能力。






    • 标签:
    • 学习
    • whats
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • it.
    • 20131030215623
    • cool
    • 学习元
    • animals
    • 动物
    • 句型
    • 能够
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