• 牛津深圳版Book3 Unit8 In my room

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    牛津深圳版Book3 Unit 5 That’s my family

    牛津深圳版Book3 Unit 8 In my room

    西丽二小 蔡静纯、

    教材分析:本课是牛津深圳版英语教材Book3 Unit8 In my room 第二课时。主要学习Put…in/on …的句型。一年级的时候已经学习rubberpencilrulerbook等单词,为这次的句型Put…in/on …打下了很好的基础。本节课运用概念图的设计理念,更系统地引导学生开口去说英语。



    1 语言知识目标:掌握Put…in/on…的句型。

    2 语言技能目标:能根据概念图,运用Put…in/on…的句型让别人整理好东西。

    3 能力目标:



    4 情感目标:启发学生要整理好自己的房间,做一个整洁的人。

    教学重难点:句型Who is he/she Is he/she …


    1. 教学课件PPT\

    2. KoKo学习光盘

    3. 跨越式平台扩展听读资源

    4. Mindmanager软件。




    Step 1 . Greeting and Warming up

    1 Greeting:

    T: Hello. Boys and girls. How are you today? What’s the weather like today? What day is today ?


    2 Enjoy a song together : In my room, there’s a bed .

    设计理念: 以歌曲引入,激发学生的兴趣。

    Step 2 Review the words and dialogues.

    1 Look at the picture of Eddie’s room and answer “What can you see?”

    T: In our class,we have 47 classmates and I think you must have many friends. Do you like to visit your friends? Ss: Yes. T: Today we are going to visit 2 friends. Now we are going to visit Eddie. This is Eddie’s room. What can you see in his room? Ss.:…

    2 Show the picture and review the words together then play a word game “I say loudly, you say silently,I say silently, you say loudly.”

    3 Review the dialogue , first,the whole class read it together, then role play it in girls and boys, after that , ask the students to role play it in pairs and chose three pairs of them to act out .

    Step 3Learn Let’s act.

    1 T: After we visited Eddie, we are going to visit Kitty. Now we are in Kitty’s room. Can you guess what’s on her desk? Ss:….

    T: Kitty’s desk is so messy. Her mother is so angry. Can you guess what will her mother say to her ? Ss :…

    2 Watch the video and read after it.

    3 Role play and ask some of them to act out.

    4 Play a game.

    T: I say the sentences , you do the action. I do the action, you say the sentences.

    Put …in/on …please.”

    Step4 : Further listening and reading.

    Let’s learn Reading1--9 together.

    Step5: Comprehensive speaking

    T: After we visited Kitty, now let’s come back to our classroom..Look at your desk, oh. It’s so messy. Can you help your classmates to tidy up the desk ? Now let’s make a new dialogue.

    Make a dialogue with a student as an example then ask the students to make a dialogue in pairs,after that, check some of them .


    Step 6: Homework

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    • 牛津
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    • 句型
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    • 深圳
    • unit8
    • 能力
    • 学生
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    • today
    • desk
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