• 新疆农二师二十九团孔雀中学四年级英语上册Unit 6 Lesson4的教学设计

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    • Lesson 4 I'm going to be a great teacher!


    Unit 6 Part B Read and write & Write and say教学设计



    • 一、Teaching contents:


    Unit  6  Part  B Read and write & Write and say  Let’s sing

    • 二、 Teaching aims:

    1、能听、说、读、写单词:doctor \ nurse \ farmer \ driver,并能正确运用;//您的单元课时安排是如何做的呢?一个单元几个课时呢?前面其实已经学过了这几个单词了,这节课重在写上了是吗?概述中要做一说明,这样我们改起来才好把握。


    3、能运用句型I’m going to be…..来表达自己的理想;



    • 三、 Important points:

         单词doctor \ nurse \ farmer \ driver的书写。

         Difficult points: er/or 后缀的概念; be good at的含义。

    • 四、 Teaching aids:

     CAI   flashcards

    • 五、 Teaching Steps:

    Step 1 Warm—up

    1.Let’s chant

    T: Everyone,look at the screen,who are they? Come on, boys and girls!

      Play the CAI. Let’s chant.//CAI是什么呢?另外,chant的主题和内容是什么?是否与本节课相关呢?

    2. Dialogue

    T:Just now,we had known Chen Jie’s family.Now let’s talk your family.//是否应该是her呢?

    //How many are there ……是否也可以用上呢?

     A:Who’s this man/woman?

     B:He/She is my…

     A:Is he/she your…?

    B:Yes,he/she is.He/She is my…

     A:What’s your…?

    B:He/She is a…


    Step 2 Presentation


    Point at the picture.

    T: Look,this is Amy,she is quite,she likes music,she has a big family.This is Amy’s…   //从Chen Jie如何过渡到Amy呢?用情境串起来,比如说:Our friends……,Chen Jie’s family……Amy’s family……

    T:We know Amy is a student. (like you) 

    (1)T:What’s Amy’s uncle?

    Ss: He’s a farmer.

    T: Yes, he is a farmer, let’s act like a farmer (Water the flowers). he works on a farm.Let’s spell farmer togeher./How to spell it ?/ How do you spell it?/ Can you spell this word?等句型恰当融入。

    Have individual students spell and read the word.

    Write farm on the blackboard and ask: Is it right? Then add “er” with red chalk. Compare farm with farmer.

    (2) Show a picture of a nurse.

    T: Is she a doctor?  Encourage them to answer: No, she is a nurse.

    Teach: nurse    Read, spell, and write the word.


    A: Is your mother a nurse?        pairwork

    B: Yes,she is./No,she isn’t.

    //如果No的话,可以让学生尝试问What's your mother?等,要丰富,同时符合实际情境。

    (3) T:He’s a doctor.

    Teach: nurse    Read, spell, and write the word.

    (4) Show the picture of a driver and describe it.

    T: Look, he is driving a car. He is a driver now.

    Learn: driver   Read: drive a car , drive a car, he is a driver.

    Read and spell the words.


     (5)Show the words. T: farm 农场 farmer农场上工作的人——农民   drive 开车 driver 开车的人——司机//汉语最好不要呈现,给出配图即可。

    Show some other words and have the students guess the meaning.

    eg: sing—singer  paint—painter clean—cleaner write—writer   act—actor visit—visitor  teach—teacher

    (6)CAI:My dream

    T: Boys and girls, I am teaching English now, so I’m going to a great teacher. What about you?//学生不一定能够理解,因为您已经是一位老师了,这是让学生表达愿望,可以借助小朋友,比如Chen Jie likes singing. She says: I am is going to be a singer. What about you?

     Encourage individual students to answer: I’m going to be a ….


    A:I’m going to be a…What about you?      pairwork                           

     B: I’m going to be a…//这里也可以结合着父母的职业,顺延下来问同学的愿望,体现教学的层次性。

     [设计意图:通过设计pairwork这样一项任务型活动,让学生在真实的情景中迁移知识,运用句型I am going to be a ….并检查学生对所学单词书写的情况。]

    Step 3 Extension

    1.  Sing a song “ My Father Is A Doctor”

    1. Story time

    3.  Write and say//没有对应的音频是吗?

    T: Boys and girls, we have met Sarah s family just now. Now, let’s come and meet another family.

    Show the picture and have the students finish the sentence.(写,读,回答问题)

    4.  Reading(根据时间)

    Explain “good at”.



    Step 5 Make a dialogue

    A:What’s your…?

    B:He/She is a…He/She is good at…

    A:I’m going to be a…What about you?

      B: I’m going to be a…

    //How many……/Is this……等学过的句型也要恰当地运用,以及拓展的内容也要恰当的融入综合运用的环节来。复习——新授——拓展——综合,结合着情境,体现大的层次性。


    • 六、Blackboard Design:

                     Unit 6     Meet my family

                        doctor      nurse

                        farmer      driver

                        I’m going to be a…

    • 标签:
    • spell
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • 设计
    • read
    • 意图
    • driver
    • 二十九团孔雀中学四年级英语教学设计
    • nurse
    • farmer
    • write
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