• Unit 4A第一课时

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    Unit 4My home》 第一课时教学设计

    温泉屯学区吉家营学校 梅素丽


    本课是2013新人教版英语教材四年级上册的第四个主题。根据学情,本主题共需六课时。本课是第一课时。主要学习内容是五个有房间的单词:bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, study. 此外,还有一个询问某人在哪个房间的一般疑问句句型“Is she in the living room?”拓展听读环节,让学生初步感知Let’s talk 这组对话,为下节课的学习做好准备。





    1.能听说、认读词汇:bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, study.

    2.能听说句型:“Is she in the living room?”

    3.拓展知识目标:初步感知Let’s talk 这两组对话,为下节课的学习做好准备。Are they in the…?









    1.能听说、认读词汇:bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, study.

    2.能听说句型:“Is she in the living room?”

    难点:能初步了解“Is she in the living room?”这种一般疑问句的结构和运用。能在具体情境中综合运用所学单词及句型进行言语交际。



    2.学生之前接受的特殊疑问句较多,本次以5个关于房间的单词为基准,进一步学习和感知一般疑问句“Is she in the living room?”.


    1. 教师用的资源:PPT课件、对话资源,单词卡片。

    2. 学生用的资源:教材、歌曲、动作。


    Step 1. Warm-up

    T: Let’s chant .p25

    (设计意图: 激发兴趣,让学生带着愉快的心情来进入英语氛围,既活跃了课堂气氛,复习了上节课的知识,同时也为下面的新授课做好了准备。)

    Free talk:

    创设情景:This term I am very happy .Because I have many news friends.Let`s meet my friends.T show some photos of new friends. I’ll find a partner to talk about them.

    A: I have a new friend.

    B: A boy or a girl?

    A: A boy/girl.

    B: Is he/she tall (short/ thin/ strong/ quiet/ cute/ friendly)?

    A: Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

    B: What`s her/his name?

    A: Her/His name is ….

    (设计意图:通过复习环节,复习“Is she/he..?这个一般疑问句及肯否回答”为下面的新授个和综合学习做好铺垫。)

    Step 2: Presentation

    1. 创设情境Amy is our new friend. Today she invites us to her home. Let’s go to her home. Look, this is the living room. You can watch TV in it. 引出living room 教师板书living room。用同样的方式来学习kitchen, bedroom.

    A: Let’s go to Amy’s home.

    B: OK.

    A: This is the living room/bedroom/kitchen.

    B: Wow, it’s beautiful/clean.

    练习几组对话,使学生掌握living room kitchen bedroom两组单词

    2. Where is Amy? 通过找Amy 来引出单词bathroom, study及句型Is she in the …?

    A: Where’ Amy/dad/mum ? Is she/he in the living room/ bathroom?

    B: No, she isn’t.

    A: Is she in the study?

    (设计意图:通过去Amy家坐客这件事,引出今天我们重点的五个房间的单词及句型,在学单词的过程中,渗透let’s do中设计到的短语。)

           在新词与新句型的新授过程中,最突出的重点就是层次性,利用This is....句型引出新词语,在由所学知识,通过寻找Amy来引出新的句型,过度自然,同时也使学生非常轻松的把知识学会。

    3. Let`s do

    4.Let`s guess.


    Step 3: 创设情境,巩固新知

    A:Where’s my pen?

    B:Let me help you.Is it in the desk?

    A:No,it isn’t.

    B:Is is under the bag?

    A: No, it isn’t .

    B: Look,it’s under the chair.

    A: Thank you.

    Step 4: Extention

    1. 拓展听读一:Page 38, let’s talk.

    Amy has a cat, but where is it? Now listen it.

    Question : Where is the cat?

    She is in the kitchen.

    2.拓展听读二Page 41, let’s talk. 拓展句型:Where are my….?Are they …?

    Listen to the dialogue, and then answer the question:

    Question: Where are the keys?

    They are in the door.

    (设计意图:让学生在听的过程中学会捕捉新的关键词,使学生能够感知复数的用法, 能够尝试去提取新信息。)

    3.拓展听读三 story time巩固句型:Where are my….?Are they …?


    Step 5: 综合运用,灵活表达Make a dialogue

    Show the pictures of rooms and other things, and then make a dialogue.

    A: Where is my English book? Is it on the bed?

    B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

    A: Where are my pencils? Are they in the pencil box?

    B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

    1. Model work 2. Pair work

    3. Show


    Step 6. Homework

    Use the sentences that you learned to to make a dialogue with your partner. Try to describe the rooms in your home.


    This is the living room./ kitchen…

    A: Is she in the living room?

    B: No, she isn’t. / Yes, she is.




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