• Book 9 Unit 5 Dinosaurs 南山白芒小学 陈雪梅

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    深圳市小学英语第九册《Unit 5 DinosaursB——教学设计方案

    南山区白芒小学 陈雪梅



    • 一、概述:

      本节课的学习内容为供五年级使用的深圳市小学英语实验教材第九册《Unit 5 Dinosaurs》中的B一课,这是本单元的第二课时。通过这一课的内容学习,进一步巩固、拓展学习动词的相关句型和句子,并要求学生通过本节课的内容能学会新授的知识点动词的过去式以及其运用, 在掌握了课文内容的同时,并适当地进行内容拓展学习,从中更进一步培养了学生自主学习语言知识,学会小组协作学习和会话表演的能力。


      • 二、教学目标分析
      1. 语言知识目标:

        • 已掌握fly, swim, eat ,drink等动词,eye, ear, nose, foot, leg, head等身体部分单词,big, small, tall, short, long, short等形容词,red, yellow, blue, orange等颜色单词;

        • 已基本掌握的句型What colour is it? What does it eat? Where does it live?

        • 拓展句型: What colour was it? Where did it live? What did it eat?

        1. 语言技能目标:

          • 能熟练运用新单词

          • 能进行替换运用

          • 能进行有效的拓展学习所给的相关句型What colour was it? Where did it live? What did it eat?

        3. 思想情感目标:




        • 三、学习者特征分析:




        • 四、教学策略与设计:




        • 五、资源:
        • 自制的PPT

        • Body languages

        • 教学用具;





        • 六、教学过程:


        • Free talk


        • Teaching aims

          • Learn the past tense and the expressions in part B

          • Learn other expressions and use them (Listen to the information at the station)


        2. Presentation:

        Stage 1: 展示PPT内容,让学生进行俩俩说来复习与本课相关的旧知识。




        Stage 2: 导入新课

        Are there any dinosaurs now? Tell the students we should use the past tense to describe the dinosaurs.




        Stage 4: 通过教学用具的展示,学习新内容。(先自主听读再学后对话)



        Stage 5: 让学生进行自主听读相关故事Reading 1 and Reading 3.

        Stage 6: 让学生进行有关动词过去式的笔头练习。

        Please choose the correct words, and fill in the blanks.


        ___ (Are/ Were ) there any dinosaurs now? No. We can’t see dinosaurs anymore. Dinosaurs ____ (live/ lived ) on the Earth a long , long time ago, maybe 100,000,000 years ago.

        At that time, dinosaurs ____ ( live / lived ) in the forest (森林). There ____ (are / were ) lots of plants and animals for them to ____ (eat / ate ), because the weather ____ (is / was ) warm and wet. There ___ ( are / were ) many kinds of dinosaurs. Some____ (are / were ) long and tall, some ___ (are / were ) big and strong, some____ (are / were ) fierce and ugly. And some ____ (walk / walked ) on the land, some ____ (run / ran) very fast, some____ ( fly / flew ) in the air, and some ____ ( swim / swam ) in the water.

        I like Dinosaur D. Because it ____ ( has / had ) a long tail and a long neck. And its head ____ ( is / was ) small. It____ ( is / was ) very tall and strong. It____ ( eat / ate ) plants not animals. It ____ ( do / did ) not fly or swim but_____ ( walk / walked ) slowly, because its body ____ (is / was ) very heavy. It ____ ( look / looked ) so cute and friendly. I like it very much. How about you?


        Stage 7: 让学生用动词过去式进行看图综合说。






        • 七、教学评价:




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