• 昌平第二实验小学李红红英语二年级下册Unit 9 How many

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    教材解读:本节课是先锋英语第二册Unit 9 How many教学内容的第6课时,学生通过本单元学习,能够掌握基本句型:How many…are there? There is/are…,并能在购物环境中尝试运用新句型描述事物数量和价格。通过学习故事,再次复习,巩固本课重点句型。

    学习目标:1.知识目标:熟练掌握句型: How many…are there? There is/are…应用句型 What do the…like? The… like…描述喜欢的食物和物品。 能在购物时使用句型:How much are they? They are…等句型。




    Step 1 Warm up

    1.Tips :In this class, if you do it well, you can get 1 star. How to get more stars? will give you some tips: you must listen carefully, speak loudly and fluently, have a good pair-work.

    2.Sing a song

    How many animals are there?

    What animals do you like?...

    They are our old friends, today here comes a new friend. He is a Monkey, but he is not Mokey. Let’s listen ,

    And then tell me What’s his name?

    Step 2 Presentation

    1.Lead in—Guess animals

    Hello, boys and girls, I’m Mike. I’m very happy today. Nice to meet you. Who is he?

    He wants to go to park and visit his friends. Can you guess who are they? Are these…? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

    1) goat: They have four legs. They are white. They like        grass. Sound

    2) dog: They are in our family. They like bones.2)

    3) turtle: They moves slowly. They are green. They can swim.

    4) frog: They are small. They can jump. Sound

    2. Listen and answer

    They are very happy today. Because they all have new babies. Let’s listen and then tell me :

    1) How many dogs/ monkies are there?

    There are…

    3.Listen and answer

    How many goats/turtles/frogs are there? (带读句子)

    There are…

    4.Pair work1

    How many…are there?

    There are…s


    Step 3 Exercise

    1.Learn key sentences

    What animal do you like?

    I like…

    Why do you like…? Lovely, cute, naughty…

    What gifts do you want to buy for…? (food)

    2.Listen and answer

    3.Fill blank

    4.We can buy other things for them. So what do you want to buy?

    (balloons: dog are very naughty. They can play with them

    balls: monkies can play with them.

    sweater: dogs: It’s warm and popular.

    trains /cars: They like the toys.)

     What do the… like? They like…


    5.Pair work 2

    6. Learn new sentence

    We all like some of them. Now let’s go to shop and buy some gifts for them. Let’s learn how to buy something in a store , let’s learn some sentences:

    Look, there are some fruit. If we want to buy them. We can ask: How much are they? They are…

    Listen and answer

    How much are they? They are…yuan.

    7. There are more useful sentences will help you when you buy some gifts.

    Read after me: ……

    Step 4 Extension

    1.Pair work 4

    Make a model:

    We have learnt so many words and sentences . Let’s go to shop and buy some gifts for babies. Let’s read together.

    Now, I’m the seller. You are the buyer.

    Who want to be my partner.

    A: Can I help you?

    B: I want some gifts for…

    A: What do the…like?

    B: They like …

    A: Are these …?

    B: Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

    A: How many … are there?

    B: There are…

    A : How much are they?

    B: They are…yuan.

    A: Here you are.

    B: Thank you

    2. Give a evaluation

    Who is good in this class? Why? (生生评价)

    Step 5 Homework

    Recite the story and make a new end of the story.

    • 标签:
    • them.
    • 小学英语
    • learn
    • sentences
    • manyare
    • buy
    • lets
    • step
    • 句型
    • listen
    • gifts
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