• 教学设计及教案A Happy Day(赵振)

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    A Happy Day

    A Happy Day



    而听与说这两部分的拆分也是经过我深思熟虑,为下面的写作准备的。A happy day 这篇文章的要求学生在学习后能够仿写my happy day。而要想完成这篇仿写要知道每句话所包含的信息应该是什么。作为四年级学生,我对他们的要求是每句话写出自己做了什么事和什么时候做这两层。做什么事这部分概念就是同过听文章,回答Ann and Ken 做了什么来给学生渗透,也就是做事,what do they do?然后让学生自己阅读文章,提取细节信息,也就是什么时候做得,time 。通过对文章的听与读在学生脑子中形成什么时候做什么这一句子结构,I do something at time. 然后讲解阅读文章时带读文章,介绍连词then。这样一篇完整的写作结构就自然的呈现给了学生。通过一次教学,完成了听说到读写的自然过渡。


    知识:学习连词then 复习have to get up go swimming get home 这些短语。能够找我“我什么时候做什么”这一句式的书写。




    1. warm up

    free talk: T: what day is it today ?

    SS: It’s Monday .

    T: what do you do on Monday?

    SS: I ……on Monday .(write down what he does)

    T: what time do you ……

    Ss: I ……at ….(write down the time )

    T: What else? This time tell me “what do you do and what time you do it. ”

    T: Are you happy on Monday?

    Ss: yes we are

    1. T: So it’s your happy day?

    Look at the ppt , we can see (Ann and Ken).

    So ,do you know what day is it that day? where are they ?what does they do on Sunday?

    SS: they are Ann and Ken , it’s Sunday .


    Look here ,may be they can ……(read the sentence together).

    Now listen to the story. And choose the right answer in order.

    Ss: tell the right answer.


    Discuss :Are they in order?

    Let’s read it ,you have two mission .

    1),check the answer,

    2),what time do they do ?

    Read it (5min)

    1. Learn it together.

    Read together .

    处理单词Splash then,复习:have to ,get up, go out, go swimming, get home.

    1. Read another story and finish the answer.

    2. Home work write “my happy day”.

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