• Tablet PCs in the classroom

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    • Tablet PCs in the classroom

    A TABLET PC merges a multimedia laptop with the added functionality of pen-based markup of documents and digitally handwritten notes. 

    This demo shows how a convertible tablet PC can switch from laptop to tablet mode.

    The current generation of tablet PCs offer today's students tremendous advantages over standard pen and paper note taking. The size of a large spiral notebook, convertible tablet PCs can operate like a standard laptop, but the screen is able to spin around and fold down onto the keyboard, like a writing tablet. In tablet mode, students can use a stylus to write or draw on the display screen.

    With a tablet PC, everything a student needs during a school day is available in the most user-friendly laptop available. Its intuitive methods of input allow students a more natural interaction with the computer. Using a program called Windows Journal, which comes free with the tablet PC operating system, tablet users can use the electronic stylus to take notes, write papers, or markup digital documents. Saved onto the hard drive, all of these course notes are contained in one digital source for easy access.

    The tablet PC can also record audio files, such as a class lecture, to review later either on the tablet or on a portable media player. The current storage capacity of most Apple iPods would allow a student to carry an entire semester's worth of course lectures in their pocket. On the tablet, the Microsoft OneNote program can synchronize the recorded audio with course notes, allowing users to jump to any point in the recording by clicking the corresponding point in the notes.

    The tablet PC takes traditional handwritten course notes to a new level with the ability to erase and add space, add multimedia elements to the notes, including audio and video files, add links to web resources, and the ability to digitally search all the handwritten notes for specific terms. Digital note pages can stretch on forever, and extra space can even be inserted at any place within the notes, making adding updates or extra information easy.

    The digital ink technology also allows students to "snip" information from any source on the screen and insert it into their notes. This is a great way to capture a relevant image, chart, graph or diagram from a web page or digital data from the instructor and insert it into the notes to aid in the comprehension of the subject.

    This demo shows how a student could use a tablet PC to handwrite notes on a slide provided by the instructor.

    With built-in wireless connectivity, students can download class notes, documents or slide shows from the Internet onto the tablet and then mark them up, just as one would on paper. The ability to take a teachers prepared lecture notes or slides and then add their own observations is a tremendous study aid for students.

    Research by Kiewra (1985) reports that students who had instructor-provided notes prior to a lecture did better on fact-based tests than students who only reviewed their own notes. Having all their class notes and resources in one easily searchable place also makes reviewing for tests much easier and more organized for students.

    Using the tablet PC, classes can be organized into folders, with all digital notes and resources for each class stored in its own folder. Digital notes are flexible, and can be reorganized, highlighted and searched at a later date. By having all their notes with them, students are able to bring up any fact or detail with a simple search in class or while studying. Notes can also be shared easily with classmates or study groups by simply emailing the files or saving them to a network shared folder.

    The power and mobility of a multimedia laptop combined with the flexibility and creativity of a paper notebook, the tablet PC is the convergence of traditional and cutting edge technologies. With the ability to engage students in their learning, tablet PCs are a useful product both inside and outside the classroom, providing a multimedia tool to enhance the learning experience.

    • More Information

    Microsoft Tablet PC web site
    Microsoft OneNote web site

    • Author

    Blair Cook, Graduate Student
    SDSU Educational Technology

    Cook, B. (2005). Tablet PCs in the classroom. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.

    • 标签:
    • digital
    • tablet
    • pcs
    • pc
    • students
    • classroom
    • laptop
    • class
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