- 简介: It argues the case from a range of international perspectives, with contributors from the UK, US, and Australia. The case quite simply is that we need to understand literacy as a plural concept that embraces both printed texts and texts created with new and emerging digital technologies. As the book’s subtitle implies, we also need to focus on classroom practices that foster this understanding and promote social learning. The book aims to replace the still prevalent “deficit view” of digital technologies as irrelevant to learning and potentially dangerous to children with an “asset view” that builds on the digital skills and competences children bring to school but are often compelled to leave at the school gates.
- 分类: 暂无分类
- blended
- distance
- 提示
- asia
- 超链接
- learning
- insung
- 学习内容
- pages
- 需要
- latchem
- jung
- 内容