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Department of Educational Theory and Practice(教育理论与实践系)
School of Education(教育学院)
University at Albany, State University of New York(纽约州立大学奥尔尼巴分校)
1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY, 12222
Phone: (518) 442-4007
Email: jzhang1@albany.eduResearch Lab:Technology and Collaborative Creativity in Learning (学习中的技术与协同创新)http://tccl.rit.albany.edu/index.html
knowledge building supported by collaborative and interactive technologies(协同与交互技术支持下的知识建构)
1999年5月-9月 英国曼彻斯特大学教育学院访问学者,进行合作研究;
1999年6月 赴芬兰参加国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)TC3 WG3.1, 3.5联合主办的学术会议Communications and Networking in Education: Learning in a Networked Society;
2000年9-10月 在英国文化委员会资助下,作为中国代表团成员考察英国信息通讯技术(ICT)教育应用及国家学习网的进展状况;
国际计算机教育应用研讨会(ICCE 2001,汉城)程序委员会委员,论文评委。
Badrul Khan著,张建伟主译:《E-Learning的发展策略》,北京师范大学出版社,进行中。
2011-2014 Fostering Collective Progress in Online Discourse for Sustained Knowledge Building. Funded by the Cyberlearning: Transforming Education program of National Science Foundation (NSF #1122573), $549,459.00 (Principal Investigator: Jianwei Zhang)
2008-2010 Collective Responsibility for Deepening Inquiry: A Focus on Progressive Questioning in a Communal Space. Funded by the Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP A) of the University at Albany, $9,615. (Principal Investigator: Jianwei Zhang, )
2009-2012 Co-Investigator, Developing a Teacher Community for Classroom Innovation through Knowledge Building. Funded by the General Research Fund of Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Principal Investigator: Carol Chan. HK$ 1,156,762). Personal role: research design, analyzing student online discourse to look at patterns of knowledge building and trajectories of classroom change, co-writing papers.
2009-2012 Working Group Member, Cisco/Intel/Microsoft Assessing and Teaching 21st Century Skills Project. Sub-theme: Classroom Learning Environments and Formative Evaluation, funded by Cisco, Intel, and Microsoft (led by John Bransford and Marlene Scardamalia). Personal role: contributing to the development of a White Paper, collecting/analyzing classroom cases and design experiments internationally, focusing on innovative learning environments and assessments.
2009-2010 Research Staff, Building Learning Communities to Improve Student Achievement. Teacher Leader Quality Partnerships Program of the New York State Education Department. (Principal Investigator: Ruth L. Pagerey, $208,808) Personal role: Developing conceptual framework and design strategies, facilitating teacher learning at a school site, conducting research and evaluating effectiveness.
2009-2012 Collaborator, Ways of Contributing to Dialogue in Elementary School Science and History. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada- Standard Research Grants program. (Principal Investigator: Marlene Scardamalia. Cnd$249,928) Personal role: Research design, developing research measures, analyzing student discourse and knowledge growth, co-writing papers.
2008-2009 Principal Investigator, Collective Responsibility for Deepening Inquiry: A Focus on Progressive Questioning in a Communal Space. Funded by the Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP-A) of the University at Albany ($9,615).
2008 Principal Investigator, Proposal Development: Cross Boundaries in a Communal Knowledge Space. United University Professions (UUP) Individual Development Awards Program. ($681)
2007-2008 Collaborator (Research design and analysis), Understanding the Nature of Science and Scientific Progress: A Theory-Building Approach. Funded by Canadian Council on Learning (Principal Investigator: Marlene Scardamalia, Cdn$50,000). Personal role: contributing to conceptual framing and research design, developing research measures and analysis framework.
2002-2004 Subproject Principal Investigator, Learning Tracking and Evaluation Module in Online Learning Management System. A subproject of a National 10th Five-Year Sci&Tech Project on Web-Based Education, China (2001BA101A08). (RMB ¥ 200,000).
2001-2004 Co-Principal Investigator, with Gengsheng Wu and Xingfu Ding, A Multidisciplinary Research of Web-based Learning Models. Funded by the Humanity and Social Science Plan of the Ministry of Education of China (01JA880027) (RMB¥ 50,000).
2001-2003 Principal Investigator, Problem-Centered Collaborative Learning on the Internet. An honorary project approved by the National “10th Five-Year Plan” Educational Science Program of the Ministry of Education, China (EMB 010888)
2001-2003 Co-Principal Investigator, with Xia Teng, The CELTS (China E-Learning Technology Standards) Evaluation Standards of e-Learning Courseware. Funded by the Ministry of Education of China (RMB¥ 100,000).
2000-2001 Collaborator, The New National Curriculum Reform Project: Teacher Development (Principal investigator: Xiangming Chen); Technology Integration (Principal investigators: Shuen Shi and Fengchun Miao). Funded by the Ministry of Education of China (RMB¥ 10,000). Personal role: Conducting research on classroom use of technology and developing a set of performance-based competency standards for K-12 teachers.-
Zhang, J., & Sun, Y. (in press). Reading for idea advancement in a grade 4 knowledge building community. Instructional science. (DOI: 10.1007/s11251-010-9135-4)
Zhang, J., Hong, H.-Y., Scardamalia, M., Teo, C., & Morley, E. (2011). Sustaining knowledge building as a principle-based innovation at an elementary school. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20 (2), 262–307.
Sun, Y., Zhang, J., & Scardamalia, M. (2010). Developing deep understanding and literacy while addressing a gender-based literacy gap. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 36(1). Online available at: http://www.cjlt.ca
Hong, H-Y., Scardamalia, M., Zhang, J. (2010). Knowledge Society Network: Toward a dynamic, sustained network for building knowledge. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 36(1). Online available at: http://www.cjlt.ca
Gan, Y., Scardamalia, M., Hong, H-Y., & Zhang, J. (2010). Early development of graphical literacy through knowledge building. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 36(1). Online available at: http://www.cjlt.ca
Zhang, J. (2010). Technology-supported learning innovation in cultural contexts. ETR&D (Educational Technology Research and Development), 58 (2), 229-243.
2010 Outstanding Journal Article published in ETR&D, awarded by the International Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Sun, Y., Zhang, J., & Scardamalia, M. (2010). Knowledge building and vocabulary growth over two years, Grades 3 and 4. Instructional Science, 38 (2), 247-271.
Zhang, J. (2009). Toward a creative social Web for learners and teachers. Educational Researcher, 38, 274-279.
Zhang, J., Scardamalia, M., Reeve, R., & Messina, R. (2009). Designs for collective cognitive responsibility in knowledge building communities. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18(1), 7–44.
This paper was included in the web-based research resource for informal science educators developed by the Exploratorium (www.research2practice.net). Bevan, B. (2011). Structuring emergent, collaborative learning through inquiry: An ISE research brief discussing Zhang et al.’s Designs for collective cognitive responsibility in knowledge-building communities. Exploratorium. CA: San Francisco.
A shortened Chinese version of this article will be included in the following book as an exemplary case of design-based research: Wenjing Wang et al. (Eds.), Design-based research. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Zhao, Y., Zhang, G., Yang, W., Kirkland, D.E., Han, X., Zhang, J. (2008). A comparative study of educational research in China and the United States. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 28 (1), 1 – 17.
Zhang, J. (2007). A cultural look at information and communication technologies in Eastern education. ETR&D (Educational Technology Research and Development), 55(3), 301-314.
Zhang, J., Scardamalia, M., Lamon, M., Messina, R., & Reeve, R. (2007). Socio-cognitive dynamics of knowledge building in the work of nine- and ten-year-olds. ETR&D (Educational Technology Research and Development) 55(2), 117–145.
Outstanding Journal Article of the Year in the Field of Instructional Design awarded by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Zhang, J. & Sun, Y. (2006). From Deweyan “learning by doing” to constructivism: The theoretical journey of inquiry-based learning. Theory and Practice of Education (Jiao Yu Li Lun Yu Shi Jian), 26(4), 35-39. (*)
Scardamalia, M., Zhang, J., & Sun, Y. (2005). Fostering knowledge building communities with technologies. Modern Educational Technology (Xian Dai Jiao Yu Ji Shu), 15(3), 5-15. (Feature article) (*)
Zhang, J., Chen , Q., Sun, Y., & Reid, D. J. (2004). A triple scheme of learning support design for scientific discovery learning based on computer simulation: Experimental research. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20 (4), 269-282.
Liu, J., Du, J., Zhang, J., Li, B., Ni, R., Wu., G., Li, Z., Song, S. (2004). The design and development of an online learning monitoring and regulation system. E-Education Research (Dian Hua Jiao Yu Yan Jiu) , Issue 7, 53-58. (corresponding author) (*)
Zhang, J., & Sun, Y. (2004). Psychological issues in multimedia and Web-based learning. Educational Technology for Foreign Language Teaching (Wai Yu Dian Hua Jiao Xue). Issue 4, 3-7. (*)
Reid, D., Zhang, J., & Chen, Q. (2003). Supporting scientific discovery learning in a simulation environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(1), 9-20. (corresponding author)
An earlier version of this paper received the Outstanding Youth Paper Award at the Annual Conference of China Psychological Society (Educational Psychology Division), Wuhan, Hubei, 1999.
Zhang, J., Sun, Y., Wang, X., & Wu, G. (2003). How do learners utilize the course package and learning support services in distance learning? A survey on the learning processes. International Journal on E-Learning, 2(4), 17-23. (formerly the International Journal of Educational Telecommunications)
Teng, X., Duan, C. Zhang, J., & Wang, X. (2003) The development of the CELTS standards for evaluating Web-based courses. Modern Educational Technology (Xian Dai Jiao Yu Ji Shu), 13, (1). (feature article) (*)
Zhang, J. (2003). Designs for online collaborative inquiry learning. China Educational Technology, Issue 9, 88-92. (*)
Chen, Q. & Zhang, J. (2003). A model of integrated learning in the information era. Peking University Education Review, 1(3), 90-96. (*)
Zhang, J., & Sun, Y. (2003). The role of self-efficacy in online and distance learning: A preliminary study. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), Issue 4, 68-74. (*)
Zhang, J. (2003). A systematic framework for integrating information technology in education. E-Education Research (Dian Hua Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), Issue 1, 9-13. (*)
An earlier version of this paper received the Outstanding Paper Award at the Annual Conference of China Educational Technology Association: Educational Technology in an Information Era, Kunming, Yunan, 2002.
Sun, Y. & Zhang, J. (2003). Learners’ view of science and its relation to scientific discovery learning. Psychological Development and Education (Xin Li Fa Zhan Yu Jiao Yu), 19(2), 47-52. (*)
Zhang, J., Wu, G., & Li, F. (2003). The current status of online learning in implementation: A survey of distance learners. Open Education Research (Kai Fang Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), 9 (4), 5-12. (Feature article) (*)
Reprinted in: A Selective Collection of Distance Education Research by Chinese Scholars. Shanghai: Shanghai Higher Education Press, 2010.
Zhang, J. (2002). Incorporating ICT into K-12 schools: China's perspective in the global backgrounds. TechTrends, 46(4), 51-57.
Zhang, J. & Lu, D. (2002). A quantitative study of online collaborative inquiry learning and related factors. E-Education Research (Dian Hua Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), Issue 8, 38-43. (*)
An earlier version of this paper received the Outstanding Paper Award at the National Conference on Web-Based Inquiry and Educational Website Design in K-12, hosted by National Research Center for Computers in K-12 Education, 2002.
Zhang, J. & Chen, Q. (2002). Simulation-based scientific discovery learning: the conditions and learning support. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), Issue 3, 92-98. (*)
Zhang, J. (2002). The landscape of educational technology research. Educational Research (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), Issue 4, 44-48. (*)
Zhang, J. & Sun, Y. (2001). Constructing knowledge based on problem solving activities: The inner conditions. Theory and Practice of Education(Jiao Yu Li Lun Yu Shi Jian), 21(11), 43-45. (*)
Zhang, J. (2001). From traditional to constructive teaching: Redefine the role of educational technology. Theory and Practice of Education(Jiao Yu Li Lun Yu Shi Jian), 21(9), 32-36. (*)
Zhang, J. (2001). An updated review of research on scientific discovery learning. Advances in Psychological Science (Xin Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan), 9(4), 289-294. (*)
Zhang, J. (2001). Learning support design in simulation-based discovery learning environment. Tsinghua University Educational Research Journal, Issue 2, 43-48. (*)
Zhang, J. (2001). Online learning communities. Distance Education in China (Zhong Guo Yuan Cheng Jiao Yu), Supplemental Special Issue, 52-54. (*)
Zhang, J. & Chen, Q. (2000). Methods for examining learners’ knowledge structures. Psychological Science (Xin Li Ke Xue), 23 (6), 750-751. (*)
Zhang, J. (2000). Knowledge construction based on problem solving activities. Educational Research (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), Issue 10, 58-62. (*)
Zhang, J. (2000). Problem-based learning: A review. Educational Research and Experiment (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu Yu Shi Yan), Issue 3, 55-60. (*)
Chen, Q., & Zhang, J. (2000). Methodological improvement in educational psychology. Educational Research and Experiment (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu Yu Shi Yan). Issue 1, 45-49. (*)
Zhang, J. & Chen, Q. (1999). The design of a constructive learning environment based on multimedia. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), Issue 6, 47-52. (*)
Zhang, J. & Chen, Q. (1999). What characterizes constructive learning and teaching? Educational Research (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu), Issue 5, 56-60. (*)
Zhang, J. (1999). The construction of knowledge. Theory and Practice of Education(Jiao Yu Li Lun Yu Shi Jian), 19(7), 48-53. (*)
Zhang, J. (1998). Conceptual change model and its development. Advances in Psychological Science (Xin Li Xue Dong Tai), 6(3), 33-37. (*)
Zhang, J., Chen, Q. & Chang, Y. (1998). Constructing combined variables through problem solving in physics: A preliminary study. Subject Education (Xue Ke Jiao Yu), Issue 3, 32-35. (*)
Chen, Q. & Zhang, J. (1998). Constructivism and educational reform. Educational Research and Experiment (Jiao Yu Yan Jiu Yu Shi Yan), Issue 3, 46-50. (*)
Chen, Q. & Zhang, J. (1998). Constructivism as a learning theory: Essence and critics. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences Edition), Issue 1, 61-68.
This article was identified as one of the top ten most influential articles in the field of education research in China by Gong, F., & Bai, Y. (2006). A research report on education science in China, 2000-2004 (continuing): An analysis of the impact of articles and books based on the CSSCI database. Research on Education Development, October, 83-86.
Zhang, J. & Sun, Y. (1997). Learners’ views of knowledge and learning in junior secondary schools: A preliminary study. Psychological Development and Education (Xin Li Fa Zhan Yu Jiao Yu), 13 (4), 11-16. (*)
Zhang, J. (1997). Teacher reflection: a way to transform teaching practice. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), Issue 4, 56-62. (*)
Chen, Q., Li, M., & Zhang, J. (1996). Integrating information technology into teacher education: A survey of teacher educators. Psychological Development and Education, issue 4, 35-40.
Zhang, J. & Chen, Q (1996). From cognitivism to constructivism. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), Issue 4, 75-82. (*)
This article was identified as one of the top ten most influential articles in the field of education research in China by Gong, F., & Bai, Y. (2006). A research report on education science in China, 2000-2004 (continuing): An analysis of the impact of articles and books based on the CSSCI database. Research on Education Development, October, 83-86.
* Publications in Chinese.-
2008-present American Educational Research Association (AERA, http://www.aera.net).
2008-present International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS, http://www.isls.org).
2009-present Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE, http://www.apsce.org ) -
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- 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校
- education
- educational
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- learning
- zhang
- technology
- research
- 教育技术学
- 张建伟
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- knowledge
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