• 丰宁土城张百万于丽英语六年级下册三单元第三课时

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    人教版六年级下册Unit3 Part B Let’s learn,let’s playLet’s talk

    丰宁县土城学区总校张百万小学  于丽

    教学目标:能够听、说、读、写短语:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking

    能够听、说、认读句子:What did you do yesterday? I went hiking

    能够做Let’s play 中的游戏并通过这个游戏进一步巩固所学短语和锻炼学生的记忆能力。

    能够听、说、读、写句型:Did you read books? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t



    Step1: Warm-up

    1.     Listen to a song: At the zoo.


    2.     Ask some Ss to act out the dialogue.


    S1: Hi, Wu Yifan, what did you do last weekend?

    S2: I visited my grandmother…


    1.     Lead-in.


    T:What day is it today?

    S1:It is…

    T:Yes,today is….Yesterday was…


    T:What did you do yesterday?



    2.     Introduce the new sentence pattern.

    (1)  教师出示课件,导入动词过去式的不规则变化。

    T:Look, this is a photo of my family. You can see my father, mother, brother, my husband and me. We all had a good time yesterday. Guess, what did I do yesterday?


    T:I went swimming yesterday. (点击课件,出示游泳的画面)

    教师板书:I went swimming .用醒目的彩色粉笔将went 凸显出来,并带读。

    T:Did you go swimming yesterday?(辅助体态语帮助学生理解句子的意思)

    Ss: Yes./ No.

    T: Yes,I did. /No,I didn’t.(教师补充回答)

    教师板书:Did you go swimming yesterday? Yes, I did. .No, I didn’t.注意用彩色粉笔将didgo凸显出来,并带读几遍句子。

    T:Now, please guess, what did my father do yesterday?(做钓鱼的动作)

    S2: He went fishing.(引导学生观察板书went swimming并回答)

    T:Yes, he went fishing yesterday. (课件出示钓鱼的画面)Did you go fishing yesterday?

    Ss:Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.


    T: What did my brother do?

    Ss:He went hiking.

    T: What did my mother do?

    Ss: She went to a park.

    T: What did my husband do?

    Ss: He read a book.


    2)让学生观察板书:went to a park, went swimming/ fishing/ hiking,找出动词的变化:go-went. 特别强调read这个词,过去式和原形读音的不同,提醒学生注意,虽然单词的写法没变,但用法不同,读音发生了变化。



    T: Go swimming.

    Ss: Went swimming.

    T: Went to a park.

    Ss: Go to a park.

    T: Read a book.

    Ss: Read a book.

    4)提醒学生将陈述句“I went swimming.”和问句“ Did you go swimming?”进行对比,找出不同,相继再出现二至三组问句与陈述句。引导学生归纳:在一般疑问句中,动词的过去式要还原为动词原形。通过生动形象的解释让学生印象深刻:did是一个有魔力的单词,就像Harry Potter的魔法咒语,只要一念did,did,did,change,change,change,超级变变变,动词要还原。

    5)补充拓展其他相关的动词词组。课件显示went shopping, went to the zoo, went to the library, read newspapers…教师和学生进行问答交流。

    T: Look at the picture. What did she do?

    S1: She went shopping.

    T: Did you go shopping yesterday?

    S2: Yes. /  No.

    6)传话游戏。将全班分成4个大组,教师在每组第一个同学的耳边小声地说一个句子,分别是:Did you go hiking/read a book/go shopping/go to a park yesterday? 然后教师说:Really? Go!游戏开始,学生依次往下小声地传话,最后一名同学大声说出该句。注意:只能耳语,如果说出的话让别人听见,将作为犯规处理,淘汰出局。最先传到并说出正确句子的小组获胜。

    Step3: Practice

    1.     Play a game: Find your friends.


    2.     Play a guessing game.

    3.     Listen and check.

    Step4: Production

    1.A task : Find out the murderer.


    T: Last night, a man was killed.(教师出示课件:一声枪响后一个人倒下了)The police wanted to catch the murderer, so they asked some people: What did you do last nigh? Now you are the little detective. Can you find out who killed the man?

    3.     Extension

    (1)             教师出示课件,创设情境,拓展其他的动词过去式的不规则变化。

    T: Mr Black killed the man, so yesterday was a black day. But I was very happy. Why? Because I went to the zoo. Look! (出示课件) What did I see there? I saw some lovely animals, such as pandas, bears, crocodiles, kangaroos…(课件出示各种动物的画面)What did I do at the zoo? I fed the fish. The fish swam to the food. (课件呈现画面,并辅助肢体语言)Look! They were so hungry! In the afternoon, I went home, then I flew kites with my best friend Peter. What a happy day!(课件中图片和句子同步显示,顺序如下:a. I went to the zoo. go-went    b.I saw some lovely animals.see-saw  c.I fed the fish. feed-fed   d.The fish swam to the food. swim-swam   e.We flew kites. fly-flew

    (2)             教师带读上面这些动词过去式的不规则变化形式。

    (3)             教师再次用英语讲述去动物园的情景,学生进行哑剧表 演。表演完教师提问。

    (4)             教师播放歌曲,师生随着音乐齐唱歌曲:At the zoo.

    Step5: Summary and homework

    1.     Sum up


    2.     Assign the homework

    T: This is the homework for today. Please think about the question: What did I do at school today? Then you can choose No. 1 or No .2.

    (1)Write a dialogue. You came back home. Mother asked: What did you do at school today? You answered…

    (2)Write a dairy about what you did at school today.

    • 标签:
    • yesterday
    • swimming
    • 教学设计方案
    • 学生
    • 教师
    • read
    • 变化
    • 课件
    • 出示
    • 过去式
    • 动词
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